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Preparing for a 5K: Your Essential Training Guide

Preparing for a 5K race is an exciting challenge whether you are a new runner or someone looking to add structure to your running routine. A 5K, equivalent to 3.1 miles, is a popular distance attainable for beginners yet still provides a rewarding experience for seasoned runners.

Starting with clear goals and a tailored training plan can help guide your preparation. Additionally, selecting proper gear, understanding nutrition and hydration needs, and learning about injury prevention is crucial for a smooth training process and a successful race day.

Embarking on the journey to complete your first 5K involves both physical and mental preparation. A consistent training routine is fundamental in building the endurance needed to cross the finish line.

Experience the unique Dash Sports approach with our tailored shoe fitting service.

Alongside running workouts, incorporating strength training and flexibility exercises benefits your overall fitness and helps reduce the risk of injury. Furthermore, mental preparation is key, and staying motivated throughout your training can make the experience more enjoyable and fulfilling.

As race day approaches, refining your strategy and understanding the right recovery methods will ensure your first 5K is just the beginning of your running adventures.

Key Takeaways

Understanding the 5K Distance

When preparing for a 5K race, it’s essential to grasp the distance you’re about to tackle. 5K stands for 5 kilometers, which is equivalent to 3.1 miles. For those familiar with track athletics, this is roughly 12.5 laps on a standard outdoor track.

The 5K distance serves as an accessible entry point into the world of racing. It strikes a balance between speed and endurance, hosting a challenge that caters to a wide range of abilities and goals. Whether you’re aiming to finish your first race or set a personal record, understanding the demands of this distance is critical.

  • Race Day Preparation: Get familiar with the course layout beforehand to strategize your pace.
  • Goal Setting: A clear, measurable goal for your 5K can serve as a motivating force.
  • Speed Training: Incorporate interval workouts to improve your race speed.

On race day, starting too fast is a common pitfall. A consistent pace that you’ve practiced in training will help ensure you have the energy to finish strong. Your 5k pace will depend on your personal fitness level, experience, and the goal you’ve set for yourself.

Preparing for a 5K is about building up the endurance to cover the distance and the speed to meet or exceed your target time. Focus your training on gradually increasing your ability to sustain the necessary pace for the entire 3.1 miles. With dedication to your training plan, you’ll be well-equipped to take on your 5K race with confidence.

Setting Your 5K Goals

When preparing for a 5K, setting specific, achievable goals is crucial. Begin by establishing what “success” looks like for you. Goals can vary from completing the race to achieving a personal best.

  • Finish: If you’re new to running, your primary goal might be simply to cross the finish line. This is a commendable goal and a great starting point.
  • Pace: More experienced runners may aim to maintain or improve their pace. Pacing plays a pivotal role; understanding your comfortable pace can help you avoid burnout early in the race.
Goal TypeDescription
CompletionFocus on finishing the race, regardless of time.
Time-BasedAim for a good 5K time relevant to your experience and fitness level.
Personal Record (PR)Strive to beat your previous best 5K time if you have one.
  • Personal Record: If you’ve run 5Ks before, setting a goal for a new personal record (PR) can be motivating. Look back at your past races—identify what has worked well and areas where you can improve.

Good 5K Time: What constitutes a good 5K time is subjective and can be influenced by age, gender, and running background. However, a general benchmark for a solid time can be anywhere between 20 to 25 minutes. Use your own fitness level as a gauge and set a realistic time goal.

Remember, goals should challenge you while remaining attainable. Set incremental milestones that lead up to your main goal, and track your progress. This approach helps sustain motivation and can lead to a sense of accomplishment as you tick off each mini-goal.

Developing a Training Plan

Creating a robust 5K training plan is essential for success, whether you’re a novice embarking on your first couch to 5K program or an experienced runner polishing your performance. A good plan will guide your journey from week 1 to race day, ensuring gradual progress in both endurance and speed.

Establishing a Routine

Your routine is the backbone of your training. Start by scheduling 3-4 runs per week, allowing for rest or cross-training on alternate days. This consistency helps your body adapt to the increasing demands. For week 1, begin with shorter runs, focusing on creating a habit. As weeks progress, increase the duration and intensity of your runs progressively.

  • Week 1: Run for 15-20 minutes at a comfortable pace.
  • Week 5: Aim to run for at least 30 minutes, incorporating varied paces.

Incorporating Cross-Training

Cross-training is a crucial component of a well-rounded 5K training schedule. It boosts overall fitness while reducing the risk of injury from running alone. Engage in activities such as swimming, cycling, or yoga. This not only enhances your cardiovascular strength but also improves flexibility and muscle balance.

  • Swimming: Great for non-impact cardio.
  • Cycling: Builds leg strength without the pounding of running.
  • Yoga: Improves flexibility and core strength.

Building Endurance and Speed

To complete a 5K comfortably, you need to build both endurance and speed through a mix of long runs, tempo runs, and intervals. Long runs increase your stamina, tempo runs build your ability to hold a steady race pace, and intervals improve speed and recovery.

  • Long Run: Extend your longest run each week by 5-10 minutes.
  • Tempo Run: 20-30 minutes at a challenging but manageable pace.
  • Intervals: Repeat short distances at high speed with recovery jogs in between.

Choosing the Right Gear

When preparing for your first 5K, selecting appropriate gear is crucial to ensure comfort and prevent injuries. Your running shoes are perhaps the most important piece of gear—they should provide good support and fit comfortably. Visit a specialty store like Dash Sports, where you can get fitted properly; shoes that match your gait and foot type can greatly enhance your running experience.

Experience the unique Dash Sports approach with our tailored shoe fitting service.

Essential Gear:

  • Shoes: Lightweight, with proper cushioning
  • Clothes: Moisture-wicking fabric to keep you dry
  • Socks: Seamless and snug to avoid blisters

Investing in quality running shoes can make a significant difference. Shoes designed for running should offer adequate arch support and cushioning to absorb impact. Be mindful that running shoes have a lifespan, typically between 300 to 500 miles, so plan to replace them as needed.

When it comes to wear, think of layers, especially if you’re training in varying weather conditions. A breathable base layer followed by an insulating layer and a wind-resistant jacket can be ideal. Always opt for materials that draw sweat away from the body.

Consideration Table:

ShoesSupport and cushioningVaries based on model
ShirtMoisture managementSynthetic, moisture-wicking
Shorts/PantsComfort/flexibilityLightweight, stretchable

Remember that the “right” gear varies from person to person, so what works for others may not suit your needs. Prioritize shoes and clothing that feel comfortable during your training runs, as this will be a good indicator for race day.

Nutrition and Hydration

When preparing for a 5K, your nutrition should include a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to properly fuel your body. Carbohydrates are particularly vital as they are your body’s main source of energy. A meal plan from Lara Hamilton suggests a well-balanced breakfast or brunch 8-6 hours before your run and a snack 2 hours prior to top up energy stores.

Hydration is equally crucial. Begin hydrating early by consuming 17 to 20 ounces of fluids a few hours before the event, as advised by Runner’s World. Just before the race, another 7 to 10 ounces of water can help you stay adequately hydrated.

Below is a simple framework to guide your pre-race nourishment strategy:

TimingSuggested Intake
6-8 hours beforeComplete meal with carbs, protein, and healthy fats
4 hours beforeLight meal, focusing on easily digestible foods
2 hours beforeSmall snack to keep energy levels up

Include easily digestible foods such as bananas or apples to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort during the race. LIVESTRONG recommends simple carbs like fruits and starchy vegetables for quick energy before and after your runs.

To ensure you remain energized throughout the 5K, balance your plate with a solid representation of macronutrients:

  • Carbohydrates: Whole grain bread, pasta, rice
  • Proteins: Lean meats, beans, dairy
  • Fats: Avocado, nuts, seeds
  • Skratch Hydration: Skratch Labs makes sports nutrition designed to help you perform better without offending your gut.
  • Nuun Hydration: Nuun Hydration offers electrolyte tablets and hydration products, with a focus on clean ingredients and optimized nutrition.

Finally, remember to listen to your body and adjust your intake based on your personal tolerance and previous experiences with training and racing.

Experience the unique Dash Sports approach with our tailored shoe fitting service.

Injury Prevention and Recovery

When training for a 5K, preventing injuries is as vital as the workouts themselves. Prioritize a simple dynamic stretch routine before each run to prepare your muscles and joints for increased activity. This can reduce the risk of strains and sprains.

During your runs, focusing on pacing yourself and listening to your body is crucial for injury prevention. Pushing too hard can lead to overuse injuries, so take notice of any discomfort that could signal a problem.

Remember the importance of rest and recovery. Incorporate rest days into your training plan to allow your body time to rebuild and strengthen, preventing fatigue-related injuries. During these days, consider low-impact cross-training activities or complete rest.

Post-run, don’t skip your cool down. Slow down your pace gradually and include stretches to help your muscles recover and reduce stiffness.

Finally, recovery is about more than just taking a break. Ensure you’re engaging in post-running recovery techniques, which include proper hydration, nutrition, and sometimes active recovery to promote muscle repair and optimize performance for your next run. By adhering to these principles, you bolster your resilience against injuries and enhance the efficiency of your recovery process.

Advanced Training Techniques

To perform at your peak in a 5K, we’re focusing on power-enhancing and speed-boosting methods. You’ll incorporate high-intensity workouts, build muscular strength, and learn to taper effectively for optimal race-day performance.

Interval Training

Interval training is a cornerstone for an advanced runner looking to improve speed and endurance. On the track: alternate between 400-meter sprints at race pace and 400-meter recovery jogs. On the treadmill: vary the incline and speed for intervals of intense effort followed by recovery periods. Schedule two to three interval training sessions per week to challenge your aerobic and anaerobic systems, forcing adaptation.

Strength Training

Strength training complements your running regimen by building the power you need for a faster 5K. Focus on compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and lunges twice a week. These exercises enhance running economy by improving neuromuscular coordination, which translates to better efficiency and reduced risk of injury. Ensure one day between strength sessions for recovery.

Tapering Before Race Day

Tapering is the strategic reduction of training volume and intensity to ensure you’re rested and strong on race day. Begin your taper about 10-14 days before the event. Gradually decrease your mileage by 40-60% while maintaining some level of intensity. This period is crucial for muscle repair and glycogen replenishment, allowing you to approach the start line in peak condition.

Mental Preparation and Motivation

When gearing up for a 5K, a critical aspect often overlooked is your mental preparation. Training your mind is as important as conditioning your body.

Setting Realistic Goals: Begin by establishing achievable targets that cater to your current fitness level. Breaking down the race into smaller, manageable segments can help maintain a positive mindset. For instance, aim to run a certain distance without stopping, then gradually increase your goal as your endurance improves.

Visualization: Imagine running the course of the race location, crossing the finish line, and achieving your desired time. This mental rehearsal strengthens your inner drive and prepares you mentally for the real experience.

Positive Self-Talk: What you tell yourself during training and the actual race can influence your performance. Encourage yourself with affirmations and replace negative thoughts with constructive feedback. Remember, your mental chatter can propel you forward or hold you back.

Breathing Techniques: Focusing on your breath helps maintain mental clarity. Synchronize your breathing with strides for a rhythmic and meditative run that enhances endurance.

Overcoming Nerves: It’s normal to feel anxious before the race. Convert this nervous energy into motivation by reminding yourself of the training you’ve completed and the reasons you decided to undertake this challenge. The jitters are just a sign that you’re ready to put your preparation to the test.

Above all, always return to your core motivation. Whether it’s personal growth, health, or competition, let your underlying drive anchor your mental preparation.

The Week Before the Race

During the final week leading up to your 5K, careful planning and preparation are key to arriving at the starting line in top condition.

Rest and Recovery:
Your focus should shift towards rest and recovery. Adapt your training schedule to include shorter runs while maintaining the same number of sessions. This helps to keep your muscles engaged without causing fatigue. Adjust your sleep schedule to ensure you’re well-rested, aiming for quality sleep two nights before the event to offset potential pre-race jitters.

Nutrition and Hydration:
Keep your diet balanced with familiar, easily digestible foods to avoid gastrointestinal surprises on race day. Hydrate consistently throughout the week, but avoid overloading on water just before the event.


  • 30-minute easy run
  • Stretching session


  • Rest Day


  • 20-minute tempo run
  • Hydration check-in


  • 15-minute jog
  • Begin carb-loading if that’s part of your plan


  • Complete rest day
  • Pack and double-check gear

Saturday (day before race):

  • Short, easy-paced run or complete rest
  • Early, light dinner
  • Early to bed

Every runner is different, so personalize this preparatory week to suit your needs and preferences. Monitor your physical and mental states, adjusting your activities to ensure you reach the starting line feeling capable and calm.

Race Day Strategies

When race day arrives, solid strategy is key to optimizing your performance. It’s about finding the right balance between effort and pace to ensure you cross the finish line with a sense of achievement.

Before the Race:

  • Prep your body. Ensure you’re well-rested and hydrated. Light stretching or a brief warm-up can help prepare your muscles,

At the Starting Line:

  • Stay calm. The atmosphere can be exciting but maintain a sense of calm to conserve energy
  • Position yourself according to your expected pace to avoid a too-quick start,

During the Race:

  • Settle into your race pace. Start at a comfortable speed; resist the urge to go out too fast too soon,
  • Listen to your body. If you feel good, maintain your pace. If you’re straining, ease back to avoid burnout,

Monitor your Effort:

  • Use checkpoints to assess how you feel. Adjust your pace as needed to maintain a consistent effort throughout the race.

Close to the Finish:

  • Plan your final push. If you have the energy, increase your pace in the last stretch to finish strong without overwhelming your body.

Approaching race day with these strategies will help maximize your efforts and lead to an enjoyable and successful 5K experience. Remember, the goal is to find a balance that works for your unique abilities and goals.

Post-Race Recovery and Beyond

After crossing the finish line of a 5K, your focus should shift to effective recovery strategies. Recovery is as crucial as the race itself to maintain progress and prevent injury.

Immediate Actions Post-Race:

  • Cool Down: Start with a gentle cool down by walking for 5 to 10 minutes. This helps regulate blood flow and prevent muscle stiffness.
  • Stretch: Follow up with a stretching routine targeting major muscle groups to enhance flexibility.

Nutrition and Hydration:

  • Rehydrate: Replace lost fluids by drinking water or an electrolyte-rich beverage. Avoid overhydration.
  • Refuel: Consume a snack with a mix of protein and carbs, like a banana or an energy bar, within 30 minutes.

Rest and Recovery:

  • Short-term Rest: Allow your body to rest for at least 24 hours before strenuous activities.
  • Sleep: Prioritize sleep, aiming for 7-9 hours to aid muscle repair and recovery.

Ongoing Recovery:

  • Active Recovery: Incorporate low-impact activities such as cycling or swimming to stay active while avoiding strain on your muscles.
  • Monitor Progress: Listen to your body and adjust your training plan as needed, ensuring you have adequate rest days.

Remember, each runner’s recovery time varies. Pay attention to how your body feels and give yourself the time needed to fully recover. This dedication to the recovery process will help you return to training stronger and ready for the next challenge.

Additional Workouts and Exercises

In your journey to a successful 5K, auxiliary workouts beyond running play a significant role in enhancing your strength and flexibility. Each exercise targets key areas that contribute to your overall running performance and injury prevention.

Core Workouts

Your core is fundamental to your running stability and efficiency. Strong core muscles help in maintaining proper posture and balance during your run.

  • Plank: A static exercise where you maintain a position similar to a push-up for as long as possible. Begin with 30 seconds and increase gradually.
  • Bicycle Crunches: Lie on your back with your hands behind your head and simulate a pedaling motion by touching opposite elbows to knees.

Including these core exercises in your routine supports your running posture and lessens the risk of injury.

Flexibility Routines

Flexibility is key to a good range of motion and muscle health. Including flexibility routines in your program can lead to smoother and more efficient running strides.

  • Dynamic Warm-Up: Perform leg swings, arm circles, and lunges before running to warm up your muscles.
  • Post-Run Stretching: Engaging in a static stretching routine after your workouts can improve flexibility over time.

Incorporate a variety of stretches that target the hamstrings, quads, calves, and back to ensure a well-rounded flexibility routine. Remember, a well-conditioned body is less prone to injuries and more capable of performing at its best.

Creating a Supportive Environment

When preparing for a 5K, the environment you cultivate around you can make a significant difference. Social support is a key element; having friends, family, or a running group who understand and encourage your goals can be highly motivating.

  • Build Your Network: Connect with a local running community or club. The camaraderie and shared experiences will boost your spirits and dedication.
  • Involve Loved Ones: Share your training progress with friends and family to garner support.

Encouragement doesn’t only have to come from people you know personally. Join online forums or social media groups focused on running where you can find inspiration and advice from like-minded individuals.

  • Find a virtual running buddy to keep you accountable.
  • Share milestones and setbacks, celebrating and overcoming them as part of a larger community.

Lastly, remember that your environment includes the physical spaces where you train. Choose routes that are safe, well-lit, and populated, if possible, to enhance your sense of community and security during runs.

  • Safe Training Spaces: Well-kept paths or tracks can prevent injury and make your run more enjoyable.
  • Variety in Your Routine: Mix up your running routes to keep your training engaging and to experience different terrains and difficulties.

Establishing these supportive elements in your training routine can help you stay on track and reach the finish line with confidence.

Adjusting Your Training with Experience

When you’ve gathered some running experience, your 5K training should evolve. Your body adapts to the demands of running, making it crucial to tweak your strategy to continue improving. If you’re a seasoned runner, you won’t need as long to prepare for a 5K compared to a novice. Experienced runners can often ramp up their training in just a few weeks. Here’s how you can adjust your training with your growing experience:

  • Increase Intensity: Incorporate more speed work, like interval training or tempo runs, to improve your pace.
  • Extended Runs: Gradually lengthen one of your weekly runs to boost endurance.
  • Recovery: Balance intense workouts with adequate rest or cross-training to prevent injuries.
Experience LevelRecommended Adjustments
BeginnerFocus on consistent mileage.
IntermediateAdd speed and hill workouts.
AdvancedIntensify tempo and long runs.

Making these adjustments ensures continuous improvement and helps prevent plateauing. For seasoned runners, tweak your training plan by listening to your body and responding to its needs, whether that means more recovery time or advanced speed work. Always ensure you’re challenging yourself adequately, but do so judiciously to avoid burnout or injury. Remember, each stage of your running experience warrants a different approach to training, and with each race, you’ll learn more about how your body responds, allowing you to prepare more effectively for your next 5K.

Finding Local Races and Community

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Check out our 2024 AdventHealth FloDash Race Series presented by LiveTrends

Finding the right 5K run in your area can be a blend of personal preference and convenience. Start by checking local running clubs or community boards, which often list upcoming events. Engaging with these groups not only helps you to stay informed about race schedules but also lets you connect with a supportive community of fellow runners.

  • Use Online Directories: Websites like Runner’s World provide comprehensive training plans and also feature race finders where you can search for events by location and date.
  • Local Running Stores: These hubs often sponsor races and can provide insights into the community aspect of the events.
  • Social Media Groups: Platforms like Facebook have local running groups where members share information about upcoming races and arrange meet-ups.

When you participate in a race, you’re not just running a distance; you’re joining a community. This camaraderie is invaluable for mutual encouragement and for sharing experiences. So, remember to engage actively both online and in person for optimal social support.

  • Bulletin Boards: Keep an eye on community centers, gyms, and coffee shops for race flyers and registration details.

Selecting a race also involves logistical considerations such as the proximity to your home and whether the race’s timing fits your schedule. After securing a race, your next step is to start training, integrate yourself into the community, and perhaps even encourage others to join you on race day.

Other Considerations

When preparing for a 5K, apart from training, it’s crucial to consider the external factors that might impact your race day experience. Here are some specifics to keep in mind.

Weather and Season Factors

  • Temperature: Be mindful of the forecast and adapt your attire. In cold weather, layer up with sweat-wicking fabrics, and in hot weather, choose lightweight, breathable clothing.
  • Seasonal Allergies: If you’re sensitive to pollen or other seasonal allergies, take precautions and consider allergy medications before a spring or fall race.
  • Hydration: Adjust your hydration strategy based on the weather. You’ll need more fluids on hot days and less in cooler conditions.

Choosing the Right Race Course

  • Elevation: Check the race course elevation profile. A flatter course can be more conducive to a fast time if that’s your goal.
  • Scenery: Aesthetics can inspire you, so consider the visual aspects when choosing your race. A pleasant course can enhance your overall experience.
  • Familiarity: Running a race on familiar terrain can reduce stress and help with pacing. Try to train on or near the race course when possible.

Expanding Your Fitness Horizons

Incorporating cross-training and pushing your mileage can transform your 5K performance. Cross-training enhances overall fitness, while gradually exploring longer distances builds endurance.

Cross-Training Benefits

Cross-training is a critical strategy for improving your overall fitness level, and it helps prevent overuse injuries. By engaging in activities other than running, like swimming, cycling, or strength training, you not only reduce the strain on your running-specific muscles but also enhance your cardiovascular health and muscular strength. Here are specific ways cross-training can benefit your 5K training:

  • Swimming: Increases lung capacity and promotes recovery.
  • Cycling: Builds leg strength while providing a low-impact workout.
  • Strength Training: Improves muscular endurance and power.

Remember to tailor your cross-training activities to align with your fitness level, ensuring you can enjoy the benefits without risking injury.

Exploring Longer Distances

As you prepare for your 5K, consider incorporating more miles into your training regimen. Extending your distance gradually allows your body to adapt to longer runs, which, in turn, can improve your endurance for your 5K race. Here’s a simple way to structure the increase:

  1. Start with a comfortable distance.
  2. Each week, aim to increase your long run by approximately a half mile to a mile, as long as it aligns with your fitness level.
  3. Use a track or a measured path to accurately keep track of your mileage.

Integrating longer runs can help you find a strong, sustainable pace for your 5K and beyond. Keep your pace easy on these longer runs; the goal is to build distance, not speed.


Training for your first 5K can be an invigorating challenge that brings a sense of achievement and progress in your fitness journey. By dedicating time and following a structured training plan, you can safely build up to the 3.1-mile distance. Remember to listen to your body and adjust your routine to your individual needs and goals.

  • Stay consistent: Your commitment pays off, so stick with your regimen.
  • Rest when needed: Incorporate rest days to avoid overtraining.
  • Reflect on progress: Look back at how far you’ve come since the start of your training.

As you approach race day, ensure you’ve prepared with the right gear and nutrition. Embrace the positive changes in your lifestyle that training for this race has brought you, and let them guide you toward setting new, more challenging goals.

You’re not just running a race; you’re setting the tone for a healthier, more active life. The confidence you gain from this experience will be invaluable, pushing you to reach new heights in both your running and personal aspirations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below, you’ll find detailed answers to some of the most common questions about 5K race preparation, helping to ensure you’re ready for race day.

What is an effective 5K training plan for beginners?

An effective 5K training plan for beginners should include a mix of running, walking, and rest days to build up endurance gradually. A 7-week training schedule is a good starting point for new runners.

How many weeks should I train before running a 5K?

Ideally, you should train for a 5K race for a minimum of 7-10 weeks, depending on your current fitness level. An eight-week training plan is common for beginners.

What are the best practices for the night before a 5K?

Ensure a good night’s sleep, hydrate well, and eat a familiar, easily digestible meal. Avoid trying any new foods or activities that might disrupt your sleep or digestion.

Is it possible to prepare for a 5K in just one week?

While it’s not ideal, if you already have a baseline of fitness, you can prepare for a 5K in a week by doing light runs and focusing on rest and nutrition. However, setting a personal record is unlikely with such limited preparation.

How should I taper my training in the days leading up to a 5K?

Reduce your running volume to allow your body to rest and recover. Make your last run a short, easy-effort workout two to three days before the race to keep your muscles engaged.

What are common mistakes to avoid when training for a 5K?

One common mistake is overtraining, which can lead to injury or burnout. Also, neglecting rest days or proper nutrition can impede your performance. Listen to your body and adjust your training plan as needed.

Kim Brewster
Kim Brewster
Huge thanks to Jeff for taking the time to find the right fit for me. The difference in the right shoe for my gait and arch was immediately noticeable. He really knows what he is doing and I ordered two pair of shoes because he was that knowledgeable.
Margaret Bartell-Black
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Chris Ruggiano
Chris Ruggiano
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Sheri Marshall
Sheri Marshall
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Mike West
Mike West
Annette was absolutely amazing. So knowledgeable and friendly. Found me “the shoe” and educated me about why it was the right shoe. Feet haven’t felt this good in years! Best service from any shoe store I’ve ever been to. I won’t ever buy anything for my feet from anywhere else ever again!
Pam Hall
Pam Hall
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Renee Helten
Renee Helten
Paden was AMAZING!! I have hurt knees and Paden figured it out quickly by watching me walk. He took a lot of time allowing me to try on MANY different brands of shoes and even told me the colors he had in each brand I liked! He went over and beyond! Thank you Paden and Dash Sports for training your associates so well in knowledge and customer service!! Renee Helten, Kona, HI
Stephanie Gray
Stephanie Gray
Had an awesome experience with Beth. She knows her stuff. Able to get quality shoes for a great price and also great socks to protect my son's feet from blisters - he stands for hours and walks many miles with his job. Highly recommend Dash Sports!!
Hans Groeger
Hans Groeger
You need the right foot ware , go to Dash Sports downtown Clermont and asked for Annette. A great help and friendly service . Very knowledgeable about what type of shoe your tiered feet need to be rejuvenated , I highly recommend to go there, to get a new pair of shoes.
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